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Senator Pierrette Ringuette Comments on Stephen Harper’s Nomination of his Right Wing Friend, Gwyn Morgan to a Proposed Position

Yesterday in the Senate, Senator Ringuette denounced Stephen Harper’s plan to appoint his right wing reformist friend to the position of Commissioner of Public Appointments.  Senator Ringuette made the following comments:


Prime Minister Harper nominated one of his good friends, his “Bag Man” Mr. Gwyn Morgan, to a position that does not even exist at this moment. The ghost from the past are now ghost of the present and will certainly be a ghost for the future of this Government. I do not know Mr. Morgan but what I do know of him, is sending very bad vibes for me as a Maritimer and as a Senator responsible for Regions and Minorities. In fact let me quote you excerpts from Mr. Morgan’s speech made last December at the Fraser Institute:


- “It’s fair to say that most immigrants who abuse our society have come in as refugee claimants rather than ‘economic immigrants.’ This not only means they are more likely to have violent tendencies, but also much less likely to have the skills, training and attitude necessary to contribute to our society.”


- “The curse of the Maritimes is perpetual equalization combined with an unemployment insurance system that acts as an unemployment assurance system. It has been demonstrated time and again that private sector unionization eventually leads to an uncompetitive business.”


The Senator further added: “Dear Colleagues, how can we accept a person that can make such generalizations and so many character assassination, head, eventually, the Public Appointment Commission? Attacking so many Canadians and with such prejudice is unacceptable to me.  In fact, if you remove Maritimers, Immigrants and Member’s of Unions, the pool of “acceptable Canadian” as per this Ghost of Reform Party is, evidently, very restrictive. »