Honourable senators, it is a pleasure to speak to you about our colleague, the Hon. Madeleine Plamondon. When she was appointed to the Senate, Senator Plamondon was seated next to me. I can assure you that even though she did not have parliamentary experience, she quickly learned the ropes. I mention this because Senator Plamondon very quickly mastered the rules of the game both in the Senate and in committees.
Thank you, Senator Plamondon, for your attention, your dedication and for bringing forward all the issues that were dear to you, especially loans made to Quebec and Canadian consumers at usurious rates. Thank you for speaking to us on many occasions about potable water, another one of her passions. Thank you for sharing all this with us. In the years to come she will continue to do the same.
Rest assured that even though you were only in the Senate for a short while, you made your mark and we are all the better for it.